What to Know About Your Meter


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Every home needs a supply of energy for the occupants, and every householder will have a gas or electricity meter. A gas meter will tell you how much gas you have consumed, and your electricity meter is the instrument that gives you a reading in relation to how much electricity your household has consumed.

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How Does a Prepayment Meter Work?

Some properties may be fitted with a prepayment meter, which requires the householder to top up before they can access the gas and electricity supply. In days gone by the householder had to go to a shop to top up the card, but now energy companies have made it simpler by using technology and enabling remote top-ups via a website or app. In Northern Ireland, the majority of people prefer to use a pre-paid meter for electricity and gas. Sixty-five per cent of gas customers and forty-three per cent of electricity customers top up their meters. Prepaying means you can easily keep track of your energy usage and you can manage your household bills more effectively.

What to Do If You Find a Fault in Your Meter

Some meter boxes will develop faults, and the key to discovering this is an unusual or unexpected reading. If you suspect the meter is faulty, you can try switching off all your appliances and closely monitor the figures to gauge any discrepancy. Gas and electricity suppliers are legally obliged to make sure all the meters are accurate. Householders who suspect a fault should first contact their supplier to enable it to carry out an investigation.

If your gas meter box has become worn or damaged, there are a variety of options enabling you to replace the unit. An external metal meter cupboard is one option, and it gives the householder a simple and cost-effective solution. They are ideal for private dwellings, public buildings or business units, and they can be obtained from https://www.meterbox.co.uk/.

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If you are lucky enough to have a smart meter, you will be more aware of your energy usage as the figures are always to hand via the in-home display. By March 2020, almost 20 million smart meters had been fitted in homes in Britain.

Finally, if you are a keen budgeter, you should check that you’re on the tariff for the cheapest deal relating to your gas and electricity consumption.

