How to use digital marketing effectively


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Digital marketing is a great way to promote your business. There are lots of ways that you can achieve this but it is important that you have an overall strategy in place first. A marketing strategy helps you align your marketing with the business goals that you have set. It means that you can monitor your success across all of the digital marketing platforms that you use. If you aren’t sure how to get started with a strategy you can work with Marketing Strategy Consultants like those from can work through this with you. They will help you to identify who your key audience is and the best platforms that you can use to reach them.

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Here are some ways that you can make the most of digital marketing.

Website – your website is one key component of your digital marketing. You should ensure that you have this set up for you by a professional web designer and that you think about what the main functionality of your site needs to be. This is important as the functionality of a site for an accountant will be very different to the needs of an eCommerce site.

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Emails – building up an email list gives you a selection of people that you can market to. By asking them to subscribe to this list you can be sure that they are at least mildly interested in your products and services. There are many ways that you can collect these email addresses. You could have a regular newsletter that you produce and you ask email addresses to sign up to this list. You might also offer free lead magnets in return for an email address. The ways in which you decide to do this will depend on the type of business that you have.

Lead magnets – these are a good way to get people to give you their email address. Lead magnets can be produced in a variety of different ways such as giving a checklist or an eBook relating to the work that you do. They help to position your business as experts in the field and it also helps to build customer loyalty.

Social media – there are lots of different social media platforms that you can use and the ones that you select will depend on where your ideal customers hang out. It is important that you have a strategy for sharing information on social media so that you can make sure that it fits in with your wider marketing plans. It is important to note that you don’t need to be on every social media channel, or on the ones that your competitors are on. You just need to be on the ones that will help you reach your target audience.

