What you Can Do if you are Concerned about Money this Christmas


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If you are starting to get concerned about how you are going to make ends meet and cover all of the costs of Christmas, here are some of the things that you can do to reduce your expenses this Christmas without reducing any of the fun…

Make your Own – Making your own gifts is a good way to save some money and they will be well received by others. There are lots of things that you can make yourself, from a photo collage to a candle so get your creative juices flowing and see what unique things you can create.

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Buy Second Hand – When you buy second hand you are not only saving money, but also helping the environment. There are many great gifts that you can find that are second hand, and it can save you a fortune. From tech like these refurbished laptops www.refurbishedlaptops.co.uk to second hand designer clothing from sellers online, it is well worth browsing to see if you can get a bargain Christmas gift.

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Kid Activities – Around Christmas, there are lots of activities to keep kids entertained, but many organised events can be expensive. Coming up with your own activities however is easy and fun – from Christmas crafts to walks around the Christmas lights, to collecting festive foliage from the woods, it is easy to keep kids happy even on a tight budget.

