Important information to include in a school prospectus


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Before sending your child’s school you should really look at ways in which the school promotes itself.  One of the best examples of this is the school  prospectus.  This vital document can give you a good indication as to what the school is about and how well your child will thrive in  it. School Prospectus Design is an important element that schools need to observe and can provide them with guidance.

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The prospectus should contain information such as what the mission statement of the school is and an indication of its values.  The history of the school and what it has managed to achieve through the years should also be included.  It also goes without saying that curriculum and academic activities Should be a permanent feature in the  prospectus.  In addition to this the extracurricular activities should also be notable.  This should be an emphasis on clubs, sports and additional music lessons.

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One concern that parents have is the class sizes and the pupil to teacher ratio.  This section should also include the information about what the schools policies are and how they intend to discipline children.  It’s also a good idea to lay down exactly how the school feels about attendance and what its  uniform policies and its attitude towards maintaining student behaviour is.  Parents also need to know what dates and  what events are scheduled throughout the year so a calendar clearly marking all of this is also a vital component.

